The Astrological Chart and why it might matter!
It all begins with a breath, a moment in time. A business has a birth, a marriage, ideas, and yes, babies. Those are the moments in time that we immortalize with an astrological chart. Essentially, a chart is a snapshot of the solar system surrounding the object of birth. So if you started a business on Jul 1, 2001, in New York City, we would ask a computer to construct an image of how the zodiac would look as it surrounded that moment.
Still, it sounds a bit laughable, you launch a business, and we create a graph of where the planets were when it was launched, and it’s supposed to unravel great mysteries around your success. I get it. But even Psychologist Carl Jung said: “We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born.” He was talking about that moment in time! If we can think metaphorically, maybe there is something to unraveling that moment using a celestial map. I suspect you could use your local headlines for keys into that moment in time as well, but, I prefer the cosmos.