Astrology’s Seeping Symbolism
The zodiac is rich with metaphors, which is not surprising considering its ancient origins and wealth of imagery. Although reducing standout traits to generalized tropes has led to wildly unfair stereotypes, delving deeper can often uncover some revealing truths behind these shortcuts.
Let's examine some examples:
The phrase "He drinks like a fish" draws attention to Pisces' inclination towards substance abuse. The fish is the symbol of Pisces, and their immense capacity to empathize may lead to the drive to dampen their experiences through drugs or alcohol. Notably, these defenses could take other forms, but this one is a classic.
Although not a metaphor but more an example of how astrology might seep into the collective, the name "Taurus" is embedded in the word "restaurant," highlighting their love for indulgent foods. To be clear, the word restaurant has French origins from the word to revive and rejuvenate, but Taurus' focus on the body justifies this example.
The scales symbolize Libra, an inanimate object, reflecting their unique ability to remain objective. This is exemplified in the statue of Lady Justice with the blindfold. It is interesting that Libra, a Venus-ruled sign, is the only inanimate object of the zodiac, exposing their mental orientation regarding relationships.
In Aries, Libra's opposite, we find their mascot, the ram, in several idioms using force. To "ram down one's throat" is a common one, referring to Aries' more negative trait of acting first and thinking second.
Virgo has a unique story that ultimately associates her with grains. Virgos are individuals that prefer a certain kind of order in their lives. She is often portrayed holding a shaft of wheat, which conjures the biblical phrase of "Separating the Wheat from the Chaff," or someone who looks for what is good and separates it from "the bad."
The word Sagittarius finds its ancient Latin origins meaning "Archer" or "Arrow." Arrows point to a direction and help with the image of the wanderer or traveler, which Sagittarius natives are known for. If someone is "straight as an arrow," they are usually considered a person of high moral integrity.
Cancer's metaphor is usually derogatory. One can be 'crabby' or moody, or we see the idiom of Crab Mentality, which is a way of thinking characterized by "if I can't have it, no one can." It defies the often nurturing characteristics in most zodiac writings. Although one can defend Cancers on the grounds of "being one myself," there is no denying that my moods have always controlled me, not the other way around.
Scorpio, Latin for Scorpion, has plenty of fear associated with it. Known for keeping secrets and having a memory for the wrongs done to them, it is not surprising that the phrase "Scorpions Lash" is a metaphor for extreme punishment.
Gemini literally translates to "Twin," and we often find mythological twins being opposite in personality, with a brooding side and a superficially happy side. Gemini is known for having the traits of opposite parts of the same person, expressing one opinion one day and the opposing opinion the next. Their idiom would be "Two Faced."
In Leo, we find the image of a regal lion with a flowing mane of hair. We mention having "A Lion's Share" or the majority of something. Leos like to be recognized as the center of the room, though often without having to do anything but appear, thereby getting the lion's share of attention.
Aquarius' literal translation is "the water bearer," yet it is not associated with water at all. As an air sign, Aquarius' notorious rebellion lies in its name: a water bearer that is made of air, holding the essence of life for others. This is seen in their grand hopes for humanity. As for idioms, “Doesn’t hold water” means it has no merit. Guess we can’t say that about Aquarian ideals.
Finally, Capricorn, the mountain goat, can walk on mountains as easily as it can swim, making it known to be able to survive anywhere. We use the word “mountain” to express something often insurmountable. Many people are surprised to see that Capricorns can have somewhat of a dramatic flair, or as the idiom implies, they tend to “make mountains out of molehills”. It’s an apt phrase for them but so is their ability to “Move Mountains” or work through seemingly difficult circumstances with relative ease.
Each sign's metaphor remains ingrained in our psyches, serving as a tool for observing life through a particular lens. Our ancestors also gave us other tools, such as images of the four elements (Fire, Earth, Air, and Water) and the four modes (based on when a sign emerges during the season), to better understand the temperaments and styles of each sign. They also gave us mythological stories of gods and goddesses (represented by the planets and stars) that shed light on our inner motives.
Astrology can help us understand ourselves better, such as why we may have trouble connecting with others or why we may be drawn to partnerships. It can also free us from societal labels, such as being labeled as "relationship phobic" or "co-dependent." However, it is important to use astrology with awareness and not let it imprison us. Our lives work perfectly fine without it, but it can promote tolerance and acceptance by reminding us of the billions of different realities out there.